
Apostolic Training Center
The ATC is the core foundation to CityGate Atlanta. Through the ATC we provide training classes, seminars workshops, conferences, and gatherings for the region to train, equip, activate and empower God's people to discover and fulfill their God given destiny. The role of the apostle, prophet, evangelist, pastor and teacher is to equip the saints for the work of ministry in practical ways to express spiritual realities through Christ in the power of Holy Spirit.
Children's Ministry
CityGate Atlanta Children's Ministry exists to assist in leading children into a dynamic relationship with God through Jesus Christ and in communion with Holy Spirit. Our goal is to come alongside families to support, encourage, and supplement the discipleship that comes within the home, and to support children in their growth as followers of Christ. Our Children's Ministry is facilitated with an able group of pre-screened volunteers who love the Lord and love children.
Intercessory Prayer Ministry
Our intercessory prayer ministry is devoted to fulfilling the call of God to intercede for Christ's Kingdom to come on earth as it is in heaven by learning to function both in the priestly and kingly models of intercessory prayer. As priests, we approach the Lord to bring the request and needs of people, families, communities and nations before Him, asking and pleading for His intervention. As kings, we operate out of the position given by Christ to His followers as "seated in heavenly places" to release the declarations and decrees of the Lord with the authority Christ secured for us in His death, burial and resurrection. Beverly Roach leads our intercessory ministry under the guidance of our apostolic leadership team.
Restoring the Foundations Regional Healing House
Led by Winston & Pat Harvey the RTF Regional Healing House exists to minister to individuals who are seeking wholeness through inner healing and deliverance by the power of Holy Spirit, and to train and equip those who desire to minister to others. RTF utilizes an integrated approach to ministry by dealing with Generational Sins and Curses, Ungodly Beliefs, Life's hurts, and Demonic Oppression. All ministers of the RTF Regional Healing House are required to complete a regimen of training, equipping, activation, practice and observation prior to being approved to minister as a part of the healing house.
Worship Arts
Our worship arts department seeks to create an environment of authentic, passionate worship through various artistic expressions - music (vocal & instrumental), dance & movement, flags, visual arts, etc. We also seek to work with artist in developing their gift into a pleasing offering unto the Lord and an avenue by which they might inspire others to worship using the full expression of how God made them, individually and as a part of the broader Body of Christ. Randy Webb serves as our worship leader, along with a passionate group of worship warriors.